Using Non-Negotiables to Reach Your Goals
I love the concept of Non-Negotiables. It has such certainty and power behind it.
Lately, I have been talking to my clients a lot about Non-Negotiables and why they are so important in reaching a goal. You are probably thinking, “what does that mean?” or “wow, that sounds restrictive.” Let me tell you, they can be an absolute game changer in getting what you want.
Non-Negotiables are things that you do – or don’t do – NO MATTER WHAT! They are things that require no thought. No one can talk you into or out of these things, because you have already made the decision about what is best for you.
Think of it as a contract with yourself that cannot be broken. There is no compromising or second-guessing because we know exactly what it is we want and why we want it. This makes life so much easier, especially when we are working on a goal. Emotions and impulses never get in the way because we have our own back every single time.
Here are some examples of Non-Negotiables:
- Date night with my spouse
- Set number of workouts per week
- Certain foods I will/won’t put in my body
- Set number of hours for sleep
- Sticking to a meal plan
- Never smoking cigarettes
- Keeping my home clean and uncluttered
Having Non-Negotiables makes reaching our goals easier. There is no guesswork or making decisions on the fly, because we have already decided what we are going to do. In order for this to work, we have to ALWAYS honor ourselves and the decisions we have made.
Think about the goal of weight loss, for example. If you decide ahead of time what you are/aren’t going to eat no matter what, you remove so many obstacles. You will be less tempted to grab something on the fly, friends will have less influence over you and your decision to “splurge” and you will most likely plan better so you do not go hungry.
Perhaps you have decided on a set number of days you are going to work out each week. If it is Non-Negotiable, you will get out of bed and get moving even when you are tired. You will never “forget” to pack your workout clothes when you know the gym is on your schedule. If the workout is what you have decided to do, you make it happen every single time. No debate.
Non-Negotiables can be used in handling finances, especially if you are trying to get out of debt. Perhaps you have decided not to use credit cards or take out loans for certain items. If you are sticking to this despite any temptation that may come up, you have made it Non-Negotiable.
It is like dealing with young children. If they ask repeatedly for something and the answer is always “no,” they will eventually stop asking. On the contrary, if we give in to them after they have asked us several times, they will learn that there is wiggle room on that topic and we just might say “yes.”
Our adult brains are wired the same way. We desire certain things time and again. If we practice saying “no” to ourselves enough times without ANY compromise, we don’t even have to think about it and it becomes a non-issue. There is no internal debate on the topic, we stick to the decision and a habit is created. Multiple small habits over time lead to big wins, which leads to goals being met. It is such an amazing thing!
I’m not saying this is an easy thing to put into practice. It takes intentionality, consistency, and discipline. The good news is that if you don’t think you already have those traits, it’s not too late to learn them.
I help my clients put their goals into action, especially around health and weight loss. I would love to work with you. Contact me today and we can get started!